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What Is Acupuncture?

Clinic Founder & CHief Diagnostician

Acupuncture is a highly effective form of medical treatment that has been used for over 3000 years to treat almost any medical condition. Since ancient times highly skilled practitioners of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine have used this painless treatment method to invigorate and rejuvenate the body's energy system.

Acupuncture greatly strengthens your body's natural healing systems. It will enhance recuperative power and dramatically boost immunity, awakens physical and emotional health. It improves the overall function and well-being of every part of you. It is the safest, most painless and effective way to treat medical challenges from the simplest to the most challenging. From our Sunnyvale, California Location we reach out all over the world. 

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,

you touch everything."

- Lao Tzu 


We offer Acupuncture either with or without needles to promotes natural healing and remove blocked energy flow in the body which causes pain and discomforts of all types. It will enhance recuperative power,  boost immunity, restore balance to physical and emotional health and provide a major boost to bodily functions that time has ravaged.

The Acu-Facial is a powerful alternative to surgery/face-lifts, Botox, and dermal fillers. Using a combination of acupuncture, masks, topical herbs it can eliminate acne, reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, lift sagging facial muscles, and return new life aging skin.


A most ancient therapy that it is different than a massage. Using Specialized hand and instrument  techniques this therapy seeks out muscle knots and pain along the individual meridians of the back, legs, arms, feet and head restoring energy, detoxifying the blood throughout the entire body to quickly relieve stress, pain and restores the whole body to a state of blissful harmony.

As an adjunct to prescription meds custom mixture of herbs are a perfect complement massage treatments providing a non toxic remedies with no harmful side effects. For over 3000 years herbal combinations have been an indispensable part of treating all illnesses, diseases and physical conditions. Our Master Herbalist prepares each prescription in a powder, pill or capsule form.


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Phone Clinic: 408 737 1010
Text or Phone: 408 338 8589
408 -888 -7368
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500 E Remington Dr. Suite 28

Sunnyvale, CA 94087

© 2022 Hopewell Medial Acupuncture Center

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